...that's how it works
People, companies or organizations become members of fairPla.net by subscribing for one or more shares of EUR 250 each.
There are special conditions for people with low-income or from developing countries.
The members invest their joint equity in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects – concurrently in the wealthy north and in poor southern countries.
In addition to the 3-fold benefit for climate, fair development and sustainable energy industry, this partnership-based corporate model should generate a dividend of 1-3%.
fairPla.net members buy one or more shares, some of them increase their amount of shares every year – depending on their income level and the intended contribution to climate protection.
Thus, the 1·2·3 climate formula pays off as a solidary strategy, where all participants, depending on their capability, contribute to the mutual efforts for climate justice.
1 investment | in 2 regions | for 3-fold benefit | 1-2-3 – that’s how it works…