
Die internationale Genossenschaft für Klima, Energie und Entwicklung

...in 2 regions...

Effective climate protection is inseperably linked to global justice. Climate experts know that the industrialized countries have to reduce
their own CO2-emissions dramatically, and that they must also provide financial and technological support to developing and emerging economies, to promote climate-friendly development.

fairPla.net gives an example of how to do this: together, members of diverse backgrounds invest in climate-friendly energy projects – concurrently in the wealthy north and in the disadvantaged southern and eastern regions of the earth. E.g. in photovoltaic systems in Germany, biogas plants in Kenia and India, solar sytems in the Philippines and energy-saving stoves in Nigeria.

Take the 2nd step – together with more than 760 fairPla.net members! Your investment will create effects in two regions of the world. Only together we can manage the climate problem and ensure a fair balance between rich and poor.

  • Birgit Kahl * Employee
  • Marcos A. da Costa Melo * Historian
    Both co-founders of fairPla.net

1 investment | in 2 regions | for 3-fold benefit | 1-2-3 – that’s how it works…

Climate Justice - never more important than today!

Climate Protection is the most important challenge we are facing right now. Clearly, our politicians are not up to the job. In addition, it is a question of justice and requires worldwide action.

We citizens can play an important role. Take the success story of renewable energy in Germany for example: 65% of investments have been made by citizens.

So we have the power to contribute to the energy transition – in our country and in other parts of the world: we can contribute to climate justice.

That is why we are investing in sustainable energy projects in Germany and in development regions at the same time – connecting climate protection and global justice.